Then God said, "Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;

let them have dominion..."
Genesis 1:26

Who is Rickey Hill Jr.

As a Kingdom Ambassador and devoted servant in God's Kingdom, I am honored to serve our Father in the capacity of pouring into men and young men, assisting them in identifying their divine responsibility, and encouraging their roles as a child of God.

  • Author

  • Speaker

  • Life Coach

  • Culinary Entrepreneur

Bring Life to Your

Life Stories

I am originally from New Orleans, Louisiana-and through my trials and shortcomings I was able to overcome by the blood of the lamb. I've taken with me the lessons from my experiences, and now use them as tools to assist and enlighten our youth and men to not fall victim to the enemies’ tactics and schemes. We are spiritual beings, and as God's Kingdom men, we must stand strong and encourage one another to walk boldly in our purposes and callings.

Rickey Hill Jr. - The Author

Kingdom Ambassador and devoted servant in God's Kingdom

365 Fear Nots

365 Fear Nots is a journal of inspirational quotes from the eye of the Author at sea.

Captured are some of God's most beautiful creations, as well as reflected moments from the inside out that are sure to assist you in pausing-to be reconnected with your inner joy.

The Hills from Which my Help Comes From

Throughout the course of my life, I have grasped that in all things,
God has kept me.

I share the truth of my very existence stemming from the One who is the source of everything. I am aware that my divine help comes from above, and I may tap into His power at any time.


This is a new book called vessels. This book was inspired by the Biblical concept of how God uses his people as vessels to do his work on earth and to explain the similarities of the ocean going vessels.

I'll start off with saying or explaining what vessels are used for ocean sailing vessels. Vessels plan for their voyage.

Failure is Not an Option

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do no be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

"We are too valuable to the world to believe that failure should become of us."

4-Step Success Formula

  • Ask God for His help and His forgiveness

  • Take full accountability for your mess

  • Prioritize your time

  • Shift your perception

Mr. Cajun Empanada

'Nawlins in Every Bite

Tasty, nutritious and completely unique empanadas

Partner with Rickey Hill Jr.

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